Spine Stabilization 101

Must-know exercises for a healthy spine

As described in chapter 6 of Take Back Control


How to perform this excercise

  1. Lay on your back on a firm, flat surface with your knees bent, feet flat and head supported on a pillow.
  2. Place your hands just above your hip bones in front and slightly toward the centre of your belly on each side to monitor the contraction of the transversus abdominis muscle.
  3. Find your neutral spine position by slowly rolling your hips backward to press your back toward the surface, then slowly roll your hips forward to lift your back away from the surface. Slowly move between these two positions to find your most comfortable position. This is your neutral spine position.
  4. Keep your neutral spine position throughout the exercise.
  5. Gently pull your belly button toward your spine (abdominal bracing), you should feel a slow and deep tension under your fingers without any superficial abdominals activation (rigidity of the rib cage) or any movement of the pelvis.
  6. Hold the contraction for the recommended time.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie on your back and place both knees and hips bent to 90 degrees and both arms pointed towards the ceiling.
  2. Activate your lower abdominals (transversus abdomini) by bringing your belly button inward and by activating your pelvic floor muscles 20 to 30% of a maximal contraction.
  3. Maintain a steady abdominal breathing while you lower one leg straight and lower the opposite arm over the head.
  4. Just before you touch the ground return the leg and arm to the starting position and repeat with the other leg and opposite arm.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Take a four point position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
  2. Your back must be slightly arched and your chin must be tucked in.
  3. Maintain a steady abdominal breathing while you activate your lower abdominals (transversus abdomini) by bringing your belly button inward and by activating your pelvic floor muscles 20 to 30% of maximal contraction.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight and your back in neutral position.
  2. Activate your lower abdominals (transversus abdomini) by bringing your belly button inward and by activating your pelvic floor muscles (inner thigh) 20 to 30% of maximal contraction.
  3. Maintain a steady abdominal breathing while you slide one leg out keeping it straight and keeping your back and pelvis completely still.
  4. Return slowly to the initial position and repeat beginning with the other leg.


How to perform this excercise

  1. Get on your hands and knees (four point position) with your knees and hands, hip and shoulders width apart. Your back is in a neutral position (slightly arched) and your chin must be tucked in.
  2. Activate your lower abdominals (transversus abdomini).
  3. Maintain a steady abdominal breathing while you lift one leg backwards, keeping your back in a neutral position.
  4. Return to the initial position and repeat with the other leg.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie on your stomach with the arms and legs stretched out, making your body as long as possible.
  2. Lift your arms and legs off the floor and reach forward with your arms and backward with your legs.
  3. Hold the position for a few moments, relax and repeat.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie prone on the floor with your arms beside your body with palms facing down.
  2. Tuck your chin in, draw the navel in, activate your glutes and calf muscles.
  3. Slowly lift your chest off the floor while slowly squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  4. Lower to the floor and repeat.
  5. Keep your chin tucked and don’t arch your head back; keep your entire spine straight through this exercise.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie on your stomach with your back in neutral position.
  2. Activate your lower abdominals (transversus abdomini) by bringing your belly button inward and by activating your pelvic floor muscles (inner thigh) 20 to 30% of maximal contraction.
  3. Maintain a steady abdominal breathing while you lift one leg up, keeping it straight and keeping your back and pelvis completely still.
  4. Return slowly to the initial position and repeat, beginning with the other leg.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie face down on a mat with your arms behind your head and your chin tucked in.
  2. Lift your upper body up by pulling your shoulder blades together without lifting your feet.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Get on your hands and knees (four point position) with your knees and hands, hip and shoulders width apart. Your back is in neutral position (slightly arched) and your chin must be tucked in.
  2. Activate your lower abdominals (transversus abdomini) by bringing your belly button inward and by activating your pelvic floor muscles 20 to 30% of maximal contraction.
  3. Maintain a steady abdominal breathing while you simultaneously lift one leg backwards and the opposite arm overhead keeping your back in neutral position.
  4. Return to the initial position and repeat with the other leg and arm.

Adductor Stretch

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet together.
  3. Let your knees drop slowly away from each other until you feel a comfortable stretch in your groin.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Start standing with your feet approximately 3 feet apart.
  2. Shift your weight to the right side and allow your right knee to bend.
  3. Keep the opposite knee straight to feel a stretch on the inside of your left thigh.
  4. Hold, relax and repeat on the opposite side.

Hamstring Stretch

How to perform this excercise

  1. Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair with one leg straight out in front of you and the other knee bent.
  2. Lean forward at the hips keeping your back straight and chest up, feeling the stretch behind the straight leg.
  3. Hold the position for the recommended time.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Bend your hip to 90 degrees and stabilize it using both hands, then straighten your knee as far as you comfortably can.
  3. Hold this position for 30 seconds
  4. Flex the knee and repeat.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

Chest Stretch

How to perform this excercise

  1. Stand up straight in front of an open doorway.
  2. Place your hands onto either side of the doorway at shoulder level with your arms bent.
  3. Lean your body weight forward until you feel a stretch along your chest and in front of your shoulders.
  4. Maintain the position for the recommended time and relax.

Hip Flexor Stretch

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie on your back on a bed or table with your body angled off to the side.
  2. Pull your knees to your chest and lower one leg off the bed/table.
  3. Bring your other knee up towards your chest until you feel a stretch in front of the leg lying off the end of the bed.
  4. Maintain the stretch and slowly return to the initial position by bringing the leg back to the table.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Place one foot on a chair in front of you with your knee bent, toe pointing forward.
  2. Keep your stationary leg extended on the floor 2-3 feet back from chair.
  3. While keeping your trunk upright, move your hips forward.
  4. Repeat as recommended. Complete on both sides.

Cervical stretches

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie on your back with your head on a pillow.
  2. Tuck your chin and rotate the head to the side as far as possible.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Sit or stand with a good upper body posture (shoulders back, chest lifted, head neutral).
  2. Tuck your chin and incline the head to one side as far as possible.
  3. As the pain subsides, user your hand to further tilt you head.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Stand or sit tall.
  2. Keeping your chin parallel to the ground, pull your head backwards feeling a stretch at the base of your skull. Guide the movement with your hand on your chin.
  3. Hold for 3-5 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat.

Cervical Strengthening

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lying over a chair, perform a chin tuck by pulling your head straight back keeping your chin perpendicular to the floor.
  2. From this position, your head to the left, then to the right as far as you comfortably can.
  3. Release the head and repeat.

How to perform this excercise

  1. In supine, tuck the chin down and raise the head slightly.
  2. Continue raising the neck segment by segment until the upper back starts to lift.
  3. At the end, rotate the head left and right, then reverse the motion, segment by segment to bring the head down on the floor.
  4. You should be able to swallow at all times during the exercise.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Stand or sit tall.
  2. Loop the towel around the back of your head (not neck) and hold the ends of the towel with your hands.
  3. Slowly bring your head back over your shoulders by tucking your chin in and keeping your chin parallel with the ground.
  4. While supporting your head with the towel, move your head backwards to look towards the ceiling, keeping your chin tucked as much as possible.
  5. Return to the starting position, then release the chin tuck, supporting your head with the towel and repeat.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie on your back with your chin tucked in.
  2. Place the palms of your hand against the side of your face.
  3. Without allowing any movement, attempt to turn your head to one side, while resisting any actual movement with your hands.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Place your palm on the side of your face.
  2. Attempt to bring your ear down to your shoulder but resist any actual movement with your hand.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

Abdominal and Glute Strengthening

How to perform this excercise

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Engage your lower abdominals (TA) by exhaling through pursed lips and drawing your belly button to your spine by squeezing your lower abdominals.
  3. With your hands on your thighs and maintaining lower abdominal (TA) activation, curl your upper body forward until your shoulders clear the floor. Don't hold your breath. It helps to breathe out as you lift your shoulders up.
  4. Lower back your head and shoulders and repeat.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Hold an elastic band in your hands and attach it on the side at chest height.
  2. With tension in the elastic, extend your arms forward and bring back the hands near the body.
  3. Your body must not rotate as you resist the pull of the elastic.

How to perform this excercise

  1. Start supine with knee bent at 90°.
  2. Squeeze the glutes and lift the hips off the ground parallel with the torso, without using the lower back or hamstrings.
  3. Do not go too far in the range of motion.
  4. Repeat without touching the ground.